Welcome to Briarwood Civic Association (Home Owners Association)

Established 1975, Summerville, SC

In 1975 the Westvaco Development Corporation began construction of homes on a tract of land just off Trolley Road. The construction of homes was completed in three phases over a period of time. The Westvaco Development Corporation established a set of covenants for the subdivision. All homeowners were required to comply with these covenants, and a committee of homeowners were charged with the enforcement of these covenants. In 1977 a group of concerned residents saw the need for a civic association to protect the interest of all homeowners within the subdivision and to enforce the subdivision covenants.
On July 6, 1977, an Eleemosynary Corporation named the Briarwood Civic Association was chartered by the Secretary of State. The purpose of the Briarwood Civic Association is as follows: Enforcement of the covenants for the subdivision. This is coordinated through the Architectural Review and Grievance Committees. Promotion of beautification and upkeep of the subdivision. This is coordinated through the Beautification Committee. Promotion of social development. This is coordinated through the Social/Recreation Committee. Meetings are held monthly.
All residents are encouraged to attend these meetings and lend their support, ideas, and opinions on the subjects discussed. Meeting notices are posted here on the website, on our facebook page and at the front entrance to the subdivision. All of the officers and committee members of the association are volunteers. All residents are encouraged to volunteer their support to the various committees.  

April 7

Facebook is only BCA authorized social media forum. Our website only official information site. See Breaking News page..... 


Future voting on Covenant changes

Ballots coming soon

 Click here and read